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Is dot coin a domain?

Dot coin is a domain from EmerCoin blockchain since 2013. OpenNIC is resolving .coin domains since 2015 from EmerCoin blockchain. Many Internet providers around the world are resolving .coin domain by default from EmerCoin blockchain. Warning: Some SСАМ websites are selling fake .coin domains based on different blockchains like Ethereum.

How a namecoin is used to establish ownership of a domain name?

A token for the name/value pair is created, and the token holder owns the name/value pair. Thus, a Namecoin is used to establish ownership of a domain name.

What is the difference between Bitcoin and Namecoin?

Both Bitcoin and Namecoin are limited to a total of 21 million coins. The critical difference in Namecoin is that tokens are used up as domain names are registered. The cost of one domain name to Namecoin's usable supply is .01 NMC. 5 This means there are 2.1 billion domain names (or other uses) available using Namecoin.

Should Namecoin be based on a public DNS infrastructure?

Namecoin has some benefits that counterbalance these weaknesses (e.g. the non-reliance on trusted third parties), but serving Namecoin data from public DNS infrastructure would provide the union of Namecoin’s and the DNS’s weaknesses, while providing the intersection of Namecoin’s and the DNS’s strengths.

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